by brg_admin
by brg_admin

Business Review Group continues to expand its work force supporting Defence. Please join me in welcoming Everard Figuieredo to the team.
Everard will be working with the Sovereign Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise as a part of Land Systems Division, CASG. This important national sovereign initiative aka the ‘Enterprise’ will enhance Australia’s self-reliance and supply chain resilience with a longer-term aim of developing a sovereign guided weapons manufacturing capability.
Everard will be joining the team as the principal cost estimation specialist to provide assistance across the Enterprise with two key subordinate projects comprising of JP2087 (Sovereign Guided Weapons Manufacturing) and JP2092 (GWEO Enterprise).
Everard has over thirty years of experience within Government including seventeen years with Defence. His prior engagements include the Capability Development Group (CDG), Joint Capability Group (JCG) as well as Defence Finance Group (DFG). Previous projects undertaken include: JP9141 Ph1, JP9101, SEA1442 Ph6, JP9340 Ph1, JP2008 Ph5B1 and Ph5B2. Everard has a BAcc & Computing, Dip of ProjMgmt and is a Fellow Certified Practising Accountant (FCPA).
Pictured from L to R: Tim Burns (BRG) and Everard Figuieredo (BRG)