by brg_admin
by brg_admin

Business Review Group and Jacobs MSP would like to welcome Daniel Teo to the team.
Daniel will be undertaking the role of Export Control Adviser for the Tactical Fighter Systems Program Office, Air Combat Systems Branch at RAAF Williamtown.
Daniel has extensive experience in export controls from his time in Defence Export Controls Branch, SP&I Group, where he was a Compliance Officer, Industry Policy Officer, and Major Events Coordinator. He holds an Investigative Services qualification, and has conducted compliance audits under the Australia-US Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty. During his time in SP&I Group, he was also an International Policy Officer, responsible for managing bilateral Defence relationships between Australia and its European partners. Since leaving the APS, he has remained within Defence as an Export Control Manager and ITAR Specialist.
Daniel’s depth of knowledge in Export Controls and ITAR will be a great addition to BRG’s expanding footprint in this specialist compliance area for Defence.
Pictured from L to R: Daniel Teo (BRG) and Tim Burns (BRG)